I sat down with O'Reilly's Mac Slocum at the O'Reilly Software Architecture Conference a few months ago to talk about the topic of my talk and my new book: microservice standardization. They recorded the interview and shared it on their site here: https://www.oreilly.com/ideas/why-you-should-standardize-your-microservices
Read moreThe Four Layers of Microservice Architecture
In this post, I cover the four layers of microservice architecture - the hardware layer, the communication layer, the application platform layer, and the microservice layer - and what each of them contains.
Read moreHow I Wrote My First Technical Book
I just finished writing my first book, Production-Ready Microservices, and I've gotten a lot of questions about how I approached it, how I wrote it, and what the process was like from start to finish. The book is currently in the last stages of technical review and copyediting, so I thought I'd take advantage of this little break before I dive into writing my next two books and write something up about the whole process.
Read moreThe cover design of my new book is finished!
My awesome cover animal: the leaf-cutter bee
I'm so excited to share the cover design for my new book Production-Ready Microservices. I've been working on this project this entire year, and have been writing non-stop ever since I began working with O'Reilly in May. There's a lot more work to be done (this last stretch of writing, editing, more writing, more editing is the hardest part), but we are nearing the finish line and I can't wait to share all my microservice thoughts with you!
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